Tuesday 11 February 2014

How to use Goagent (A best Proxy Software).

By on 12:11

Goagent is a GAE Proxy. It is a proxy software which is used to access all block sites in all over the world.
You can check out the following steps to configure the Goagent.

1.Create GAE Application.
1. First open google.com.
2. Write "create GAE Application" in the search bar. The following page will be open.

 3. Click on the "Google App Engine" which is labeled in above picture.
4. If you are already sign in to your gmail account, following page will be open. If you are not sign in then first sign in to your gmail account.

5. Click on "create Application". The following page will be open.

6. Write application identifier. It can be your name.or any other name that you want. Then click on "Create application".your application will be created.
Goagent support multiple app IDs, so that you can create one or more new GAE Applications, or use the old ones, but the "Storage Scheme " of each must be "High Replication ".

2. Generate application specific password.
1. For generate application specific password, first sign in to your Gmail account.
2. Open your personal info by clicking on your account.
3. Open "Security" Page of your account. Below page will be open.
4. Click on "Setup" option which is  labeled.
5. Click on "Start Setup". which is mention on right side.
6.Following page will be option.
7.Write your application name and click on "Generate password".
8. After some seconds, you will receive password.
9. Save that password because if you click on done you can't see that password again.

3. Download GoAgent Package.
1.click on This Link. Download Now.Click on this link which shown below.
2. If you are in China Click on This link. Download Now..

Download the Goagent Package (a zip file) via the link on the top of its homepage, as what you can see from the above image.
 After that, extract the zip file, and you will get a "local" folder as well as a "server" folder.

4. Upload GoAgent Server.
1. Open "server" folder.
2. Run "Uploader.bat" file.
3. Write your GAE app id which created in first step. also write your Gmail id and application specific password.like this
your id will be starting to upload. If you want to upload multiple ids you can separate with "|" mark.

5. Change the proxy.ini file.
when the upload finished. open "local" folder. open "proxy.ini" file which is labeled in below.
Change the appid "value" from goagent to your real GAE APPLICATION ID and save the file.
6. Run GoAgent client.
Open "Local" Folder and Run "goagent" which shown below.

6. edit the browser proxies.
After run the goagent, Open your browser and open setting of your browser.
Click on "Change proxy Setting".
Click on "Lan Setting". and edit your proxy server with IP address ( and Port(8087).
Click "OK" and browse all block sites.

Important Note.!
When your goagent client shows "OVER QUOTA" don't Worry. (Because Google give only 1GB out going bandwidth).
Just open "proxy.ini" file and change the GAE Application ID with other one.
Again Start "goagent".

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


  1. Please read this carefully to understand what protection Ultrasurf provides, as well as what the limitations and the potential risks are if not used properly.best proxy list


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